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Visiting ATM Cave in Belize featured by top travel blog, The Common Traveler: Interested in visiting Belize's ATM cave but afraid it will be too strenuous or not sure if it's worth it? This post will tell you exactly what to expect in terms of physical demands, what to bring, and why it is worth visiting. #belize #atmcave #sanignacio

Belize is one of our favorite destinations — there is so much to do in Belize! Planning our last trip to Belize, I knew that I had to tour the ATM Cave. My goal was to have a trip with some adventure and relaxation, and the ATM cave in Belize was a huge part of that adventure! Those who would like more underground adventures might also consider jumping the underground waterfalls of Belize.

But after reading articles and blogs, I became concerned that the tour would be too physically demanding for me given recent health issues. I didn’t know the truth about visiting the ATM Cave in Belize. Here is an honest rundown of what to expect when visiting the ATM Cave in Belize. By the way, you MUST go if you can!

Visiting ATM Cave in Belize featured by top travel blog, The Common Traveler: skeleton inside ATM Cave, Belize
Photo by Cayo Adventure Tours

What is the ATM Cave in Belize

Actun Tunichil Muknal (or “ATM”) is a cave near San Ignacio, Belize. The cave’s name in ancient Mayan translates to Cave of the Stone Sepulcher. The Mayans used this cave as a sacrificial chamber to ask the gods for favors. In ancient Maya, this was a sacred site. You’ll walk right up to and next to thousands of years old pottery. You’ll see skeletal remains of human sacrifices, including the Crystal Maiden. Inside, you’ll see some interesting geology. 

You can get so close to ancient artifacts in a few places. Unfortunately, the ability to get so close has also led to careless visitors accidentally destroying some pottery. A visitor dropped his camera a few years ago, breaking one of the skulls. As a result, cameras are no longer permitted. Because of this, the ATM cave has become a mysterious destination. 

The photos in this article have been graciously shared by our tour company and Benedict Kim of Esoteric Vision Photography (check out Ben’s entire photo collection!).

Visiting ATM Cave in Belize featured by top travel blog, The Common Traveler: people swimming into the ATM Cave in Belize
Photo by Benedict Kim @ Esoteric Vision Photography

What to Expect when Visiting the ATM Cave in Belize

Plenty of websites tell you that to participate in the ATM cave tour, you’ll have to go through a difficult hike, crossing three rivers, and that you need the fitness level of an ultra-athlete. One blogger even referred to this as her Indiana Jones adventure. Tour companies offering a Belize ATM cave tour say almost the opposite, taking people of all ages and fitness levels. 

So which is it? The truth lies somewhere between the two extremes. 

Visitors can only enter the pitch-black cave if accompanied by a licensed guide. All groups are limited to eight visitors, which allows for individualized attention from the tour leader. At one point, I tripped and fell inside the cave, and our guide made me move closer to the front of the line to help me. In other words, the tour is physical but not excessively demanding.

The Hike

It’s a 45-minute hike each way from the parking area to the entrance of the cave. The path is not hilly, but it isn’t completely flat either. This jungle path can be muddy (we went during the rainy season). There are loose rocks at times, roots grow on them, branches may have fallen, and insects (primarily ants) are along. 

You should be able to easily walk for an hour at a time at a decent pace (approximately 4 miles per hour). Tour guides are knowledgeable about the flora and fauna in the area, and you’ll learn a lot about what the Mayans knew about nature.


On your way to and from the cave, you’ll experience three river crossings, and the cave entrance features deep water. The flow and water level of each river crossing greatly depend on the time of year and how much rain has occurred in the preceding days. We swam the first crossing while holding onto a rope. I held on to the rope for the other two crossings mostly because I feared tripping on rocks and falling. 

The only way into the cave is to swim while wearing your helmet and carrying any wet bag you bring. There was one other time inside the cave where you’d swim, especially if you were short. Life jackets are available for those uncomfortable in their swimming skills.

Visiting ATM Cave in Belize featured by top travel blog, The Common Traveler: group of people crossing a river in ankle deep water
One of the river crossings on the way to the ATM Cave – Photo by Cayo Adventure Tours

Climbing inside the ATM Cave in Belize

There are multiple times when you have to climb up and over rocks—guests need to be able to climb up, at times raising their feet to hip height (I’m short!). You’ll need to be able to pull yourself up while using foot and handholds. At one point, you’ll climb a metal ladder while wearing only socks. Yes, this is uncomfortable, but not painful.

Inside the ATM Cave

I’m not going to kid you – there are tight fits. At only 5’4″ tall, there were several times when I had to swim inside the cave, whereas taller guests could walk. Visitors should be strong swimmers or not afraid to swim, wearing a life vest. If you’re scared of enclosed places, the dark, the underground, or heights, this is not the tour for you. But if you’re not a fan of those things but not scared, step outside your comfort zone and try it!

Visiting ATM Cave in Belize featured by top travel blog, The Common Traveler: stalagmites and stalactites inside ATM cave in Belize
One of the huge chambers inside the ATM cave. You’ll see all kinds of stalagmites and stalactites. Photo by Benedict Kim @ Esoteric Vision Photography

What to Wear when Visiting the ATM Cave in Belize:

You’ll get wet and hike for a while. So what should you wear? Beware of chafing from walking for hours wearing wet clothes!


A water shoe with a good grip is ideal. Keen makes a great shoe for this purpose. Don’t wear sandals or flip-flops—there isn’t enough grip on the bottom, and they won’t protect your toes. The paths inside the cave have rocks, and it is easy to stub your toe—you will want a closed-toe shoe. Two of our fellow guests wore Sketchers sneakers, which didn’t have enough grip and made them slide a few times. Wear appropriate footwear!


You will get wet, so wear clothing that you don’t mind getting wet. While we didn’t get dirty, conceivably, you could brush up against a muddy wall or slip in the mud on your way so you could get dirty (in other words, don’t wear something you don’t mind throwing out). Because you’ll be climbing up, wear shorts that are either loose or very flexible. Jean shorts are a bad choice! 

As far as a top, most women were wearing tank tops, and the men wore T-shirts. Knowing we would be wet, we wore quick-dry tops. Also, I chose to wear long sleeves because I was scared of bugs (i.e., spiders) crawling on me. (I saw one cricket inside the cave, but no spiders.)

You’ll need to bring a pair of socks – they are required when you walk around the pottery and skeletons. 

Tour companies provide helmets with lights so you can see where you’re going.

Sunscreen & Bug Spray

You’ll be walking for a while and while there is some coverage, the pathway is not in the shade. Wear waterproof sunscreen (remember those rivers!), especially if you’re visiting on a sunny day. Don’t forget the bug spray. The mosquitoes will feast on you. Some guides will allow you the opportunity to leave your bug spray and water bottle at the base of a tree before you enter the cave (or you can carry it in your wet bag).

Visiting ATM Cave in Belize featured by top travel blog, The Common Traveler: Mayan clay pots with light in background - ATM Cave
Mayan pottery. Photo by Benedict Kim @ Esoteric Vision Photograph

How Strenuous is the ATM Cave Tour?

Can you swim? If so, you won’t have a problem. I’m not in my 20s (or 30s or 40s) and NOT in the gym, and, other than at one point where I took a bit of a large step up, I did fine. The hike is almost 100% flat. The first river crossing is a swim or pull yourself along a rope. The second two were wade-across, below the knee. Allan didn’t even bother with the rope on the middle one.

There are some slippery steps at the entrance, and you have to swim maybe 10 m to the first landing. Depending on your height, you may need to do another quick swim or two, but it will mostly be wading or dry ground.

There are a couple of tight spaces, but nothing claustrophobic. The tour guides explain exactly how to get through the tight spots.

Take clothes you know will get soaked and dirty if you have to scoot down in spots—water shoes like Keens or the like. Bring a change of clothes that will stay, along with your cell phones and valuables, in the van with your driver. They have showers and changing facilities in the parking lot. You’ll be thankful for those dry clothes!

The men wore swim trunks and long-sleeved PFG-style shirts to keep the mosquitoes away. I wore quick-dry shorts and a long-sleeve shirt. (Note that I got awful chafing, though!)

Visiting ATM Cave in Belize featured by top travel blog, The Common Traveler: man explaining to family of four on a jungle path
Tour guide explaining flora and fauna along the hike – Photo by Cayo Adventure Tours

The entire ATM cave tour takes about 3 1/2 to 4 hours. Plan an hour and a half of walking and about two hours inside the cave. 

Getting to the ATM Cave in Belize

You must make reservations since you can only access the ATM cave in Belize with a licensed tour guide. There are multiple ATM Cave tour groups to choose from. We booked our tour with Cayo Adventure Tours, who agreed to pick us up at the Belize City International Airport, drive us to our hotel in San Ignacio, pick us up the following morning from our hotel to take us to the ATM Cave, provided an ATM guide, and drove us back to Belize City to the ferry terminal for the remainder of our trip. They provided us with a packed lunch that we ate in the car to make sure we could make our ferry to San Pedro!

Other options for getting to the area:

  • Fly with Tropic Air into Belmopan
  • Rent a car and drive yourself to the area
  • Take a bus to San Ignacio

Once you’re in the area, you’ll still need to hire a tour company to take you on an ATM tour, so don’t try to access it alone!

Visiting ATM Cave in Belize featured by top travel blog, The Common Traveler: 2 men and 1 woman in front of SUV at ATM cave in Belize
Visiting ATM Cave in Belize featured by top travel blog, The Common Traveler: 2 men and 1 woman in front of SUV at ATM Cave
After – very wet but very happy!

I’m so glad I didn’t let the stories scare me away! ATM Cave in Belize truly was the highlight of our trip and one of the coolest things I’ve done. I did feel like a badass, but it would be an exaggeration to say this was an Indiana Jones adventure (other than an archaeology expedition). Feel free to contact me if you have specific questions and I’m happy to give you my input!

Happy travels!
Annick, The Common Traveler

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Visiting ATM Cave in Belize featured by top travel blog, The Common Traveler: Interested in visiting Belize's ATM cave but afraid it will be too strenuous or not sure if it's worth it? This post will tell you exactly what to expect in terms of physical demands, what to bring, and why it is worth visiting. #belize #atmcave #sanignacio #centralamerica #caribbean #mayan #maya
Visiting ATM Cave in Belize featured by top travel blog, The Common Traveler: Interested in visiting Belize's ATM cave but afraid it will be too strenuous or not sure if it's worth it? This post will tell you exactly what to expect in terms of physical demands, what to bring, and why it is worth visiting. #belize #atmcave #sanignacio
Visiting ATM Cave in Belize featured by top travel blog, The Common Traveler.
Visiting ATM Cave in Belize featured by top travel blog, The Common Traveler
Visiting ATM Cave in Belize featured by top travel blog, The Common Traveler